
Brattleboro Retreat Trails: inspiration for a current painting in progress and possibly one of my many transient studios
Okay, so that REALLY large 800 sq foot studio that I was was so eagerly anticipating--well it didn't pan out. I am trusting the fact that perhaps, this particular studio that I envisioned myself in, just wasn't meant to be. There's a reason why this didn't happen--and I am curious what I will eventually discover that reason to be. Fortunately, I like to always prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. That being said, I purchased a new traveling easel last month after some research. I contacted a few professional landscape painters who do much of their painting en plein air, and discovered an excellently constructed traveling easel that is actually handcrafted in Vermont (a wonderful coincidence), that can hold rather large and weighty painting supports. (Something that my french easels could never withstand) This easel was once referred to as the "Gloucester Easel". Tobin Nadeau, the son of the family's easel design now makes these, carrying on the tradition. Good bye french easels and hello Take-it-Easel, I am ready to travel with you all around my new home of Brattleboro, Vermont and along all the beautiful, bountiful paths extending out and around. "Blue Velvet", my smooth Town & Country Van IS my studio, or at least filled to the brim with all of my essential studio supplies that I couldn't bare (nor fit) into my storage unit that I had to purchase to partially store my studio until I can find something permanent. Thank you Tobin Nadeau for your helpful demonstration on set up---it's so refreshing to purchase a studio product that is not only constructed with  beautifully crafted skill, but also that is made locally. Thank you to painters, Eric Tobin and Philip Koch for leading me in the right direction. By the way, I highly recommend visiting Philip's blog, where he always offers an interesting read and discussion of painting.

Now a new resident of Brattleboro, it's time to explore and to see where this great town and area will help me discover and realize. I am enamored by the absolute kindness and welcome that I have personally felt here so far. Here's something that I love: This afternoon I went exploring into back winding roads of West Brattleboro and I parked into someone's overgrown farm pasture gate, so that I could draw. I did wonder if I should be there, knowing it was someone's private property. After about 10 minutes there a woman walked down to me kindly introduced herself. When I then asked her if it was okay for me to be there, she repeatedly THANKED me for simply choosing her property to draw. She was delighted, and as she left she turned back and and invited me to come back in the fall to her and her husband's property, while they were away to pick apples. "Please, pick as many apples as you would like--we are not here to enjoy them" Really? I so love Vermont.


Billy Guffey said…
Hi Cameron. I've been using the Take It Easel for a few months now. Used the knock off Beauport for a couple of years before that. The TIE is wonderful! Love it. Blows the Beauport away.
Glad to hear that, Bill! I have been out the past few days painting outside and every time I am packing my stuff up for the day, I think, "This was such a smart investment".
Cindinfocus said…
This looks like my next plein air easel, BUT I will have to wait for a sale. I may be waiting for a while....